Crédit in fine : une fiscalité optimisée

The very nature of credit is directly linked to the search for tax exemption for people wishing to make a rental investment.

Particularities of credit in fine


If in the conventional loan, called amortizable, with each monthly payment the borrower repays part of the capital (the part of which decreases after each maturity) and interest (on the remaining capital), it is not the same for the credit ultimately.

The credit in fine allows, for the entire duration of the loan, to repay only the interest. These are calculated on the entire capital borrowed for the total duration of the loan. The borrowed capital is repaid, in one go, at the end of the loan.

To find out more about how credit in fine works, click here .


Credit conditions in fine

This capital is constituted on the basis of savings already possessed (in whole or in part) or on savings which are constituted each month during the duration of the loan (life insurance, capitalization insurance, etc.).

The borrower therefore has the choice between an initial contribution corresponding to the maturity amount, a partial initial contribution with moderate periodic payments, or no contribution at all and payments determined to reach, at maturity, the amount borrowed capital.

These savings are pledged for the benefit of the bank which thus has the certainty that the entire capital constituted will be allocated to the repayment of the borrowed capital. The borrower must also take out disability and death insurance covering monthly payments and borrowed capital.

  • Fixed rate with repayment between 3 and 15 years.
  • Minimum amount €21,500, with no maximum amount.

Who is credit ultimately intended for?

Constituting a form of real estate loan, it is completely different from a classic real estate loan like many individuals take out. As a result, it is not aimed at the same category of people.

A significant financial contribution

Rental investment

In fine credit consists of repaying only the interest throughout the duration of the loan and repaying the capital only at the end of it. Therefore, it is essential to have a certain amount already available in order to be able to claim it, otherwise it will be impossible to have access to it. Individuals generally have an initial contribution but not the same possibilities.

Another audience

Credit in fine

We can then easily guess that credit is ultimately not aimed at individuals but rather at people who wish to invest in real estate and who see this opportunity as a way to make their purchase profitable before proceeding with repayment, which is an advantage. of choice in this area.

Si vous souhaitez investir dans l’immobilier quel que soit la taille et le nombre des appartements concernés, le crédit in fine semble être tout indiqué car il vous permettra d’en tirer des bénéfices doubles.

La fiscalité du credit in fine

The taxation of credit in fine


Avec le credit in fine le fait que le capital demeure inchangé et que seuls les intérêts sont mensuellement remboursés tout au long du crédit, implique plusieurs conséquences. Le montant des intérêts peut être mensuellement constant.

Le montant des intérêts est plus important qu’avec un prêt amortissable classique, du fait que les intérêts sont calculés sur la totalité du montant emprunté et que le taux est plus important que pour un prêt amortissable.

Conséquences sur la fiscalité du credit in fine

Ainsi, les intérêts d’emprunt étant déductibles des revenus fonciers, le credit in fine par son augmentation du montant des intérêts est destiné aux contribuables déjà fortement imposés et désirant réaliser une défiscalisation substantielle avec pour supports un investissement foncier à but locatif.

Ces dernières années nombreux sont les français, même dans des tranches d’imposition supportables, qui ont opté pour l’investissement locatif en utilisant le credit in fine comme outil de défiscalisation.

Si le credit in fine est une bonne solution face à une recherche de défiscalisation en optant pour un programme d’investissement à but locatif les conseils de professionnels sont indispensables pour adapter le montage financier à la situation financière et fiscale de chacun.

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